Advertise With Us
With one local newspaper and five advertisers distributed weekly, plus online, you have all the options necessary to reach your target audience in over 100,000 homes and businesses across
northwest Wisconsin. Call 715-327-4236 today to place your ad!

We can insert your preprinted multipage or single-sheet flyer into any of our five Advertisers and newspaper. With our Advertisers and newspaper primarily delivered by U.S. mail, you are assured your circular is delivered with confidence! Call our office at
715-327-4236 or click on "Place an insert" below to email us your questions.

With 69 categories to choose from, we make it easy to find the right customer for your product or service. If you want a little more pizazz, you can add a border to your classified or reverse the ad for a minimal fee. You can write the ad yourself or let one of our professionals help you with the copy.
Digital Advertising

We now offer Digital Advertising. With targeted advertising we can help your ads reach the right person, with the right message, at the right time across the web, on mobile, computer and connected TV. We also run a variety of ad formats making it easier to reach your target audience. Click below to learn more!
Weekly Advertisers
Ever heard about the legendary "yellow paper" in northwest Wisconsin?
It's true, it really is something of a legend. For decades our "yellow paper" has been a go-to advertising channel and still is to this day. Below you can view the most recent print for each area. You'll also find all you need to know for placing an ad. If you're not sure about something or can't find what you're looking for then just give us a call.
Click on the map to the right, to enlarge and view the coverage area for each
"yellow paper."
Direct Mail

​Today, the United States Postal Service has a gift for the small business owner. It's called "Every Door Direct Mail!" With an EDDM campaign, the Post Office has made it easy and more affordable for you to reach potential customers. For approximately one third of the cost of a first-class stamp per piece, we can send out postcards, brochures or large flyers to any carrier route. You can choose to start smaller and test the success of your EDDM marketing campaign by sending to 500 addresses or you can go big when you are ready and mail to up to 5,000 homes and businesses per day per Zip Code. This mailing will be delivered to every door without needing a mailing list for the addresses. It's a wonderful way to reach a community to promote your products and services. We are your Every Door Direct Mail partner from concept review and design through to printing and delivery.
Publisher's Liability For Error
The publisher shall not be liable for slight changes or typographical errors that do not lessen the value of an advertisement. The publisher's liability for other errors or omissions in connection with an advertisement is strictly limited to publication of the advertisement in any subsequent issue or the refund of any monies paid for the advertisement.
The advertiser and/or advertising agency agrees to defend and indemnify the publisher against any and all liability, loss or expenses arising from claims of libel, unfair competition, unfair trade practices, infringement of trademarks, copyrights, trade names, patents or proprietary rights or violation of rights of privacy resulting from the publication of the advertiser's advertisement.
This newspaper (publisher) reserves the right to reject any and all advertising at any time and that the mere taking of an ad order by a clerk or other newspaper personnel does not constitute acceptance of the material for publication.